Level Reward
2 Box Icon.png Scroll of Amplification ES(S) 3x
5 Box Icon.png Upcut Stone 3x
10 Box Icon.png Scroll of Amplification ES(S) 3x
12 Box Icon.png Fledgling Newbie Coupon 10x
15 Box Icon.png Special Cloak Gift Bag! 7x
20 Box Icon.png Baby Chicken Pickup Pet
20 Box Icon.png Aero Board
25 Box Icon.png Scroll of Amplification ES(S) 3x
30 Box Icon.png Scroll of Amplification ES(S) 3x
35 Box Icon.png Fledgling Newbie Coupon 20x
35 Box Icon.png FUN Card
40 Box Icon.png Scroll of Amplification ES(S) 3x
45 Box Icon.png Blue Balloons (2 Days)
50 Box Icon.png Upcut Stone 3x
55 Box Icon.png Restat
60 Box Icon.png Raizei's Guardian Chest of Phat Lewt 5x (contents tradable)
70 Box Icon.png Fledgling Newbie Coupon 30x
70 Box Icon.png Azria Ticket (15 Days)
75 Box Icon.png Full Shout (30 Days)
119 Box Icon.png Traseia Ticket (7 days)
125H Box Icon.png St. Patrick's Day Cloak (bound)
127H Box Icon.png Cloak of Bravery (bound)
129H Box Icon.png Dignity Fashion Set (bound)
130H Box Icon.png Re-Skill (bound)
135H Box Icon.png Scroll of Amplification ES(S) 6x
136H Box Icon.png Blessed Cloak of the Light (bound)
139H Box Icon.png Dragon Mask (bound)
All level up rewards are untradable except the contents of the level 60 box.
Job Name Level Playtime
Lethal1439788 hours
Dev1L14313421 hours
Panthea1423302 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
KanaoTsuyuri14314698 hours
WraithBlade14310804 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
Athena1434728 hours
Citrix1438075 hours
PARDO1437540 hours
Sinichi1415904 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
Amari1436004 hours
Zemo1435474 hours
Nakzu14315524 hours
Vera1439852 hours
Perospero1429531 hours
KingRy14211336 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
KaguyaSama14011532 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
Cronus14316662 hours
Cryptic1434498 hours
Sven14315170 hours
Spunky14315907 hours
lHADES14320321 hours
MarBKazama1438201 hours
MarKazama14211274 hours
VinteuS1416537 hours
BotsKiezama1408479 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
Bunny1434955 hours
IreneBelserion1432540 hours
woolfeX14319522 hours
SuicideBomber1431935 hours
zMaya1437197 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
Grahamz14310916 hours

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Game Notice

If you are from US, Canada, or South America, you might experience high latency or delay while playing because our server is located in Asia. To make your gameplay smooth and lag-free, we promise to give you unlimited VPN credits as long as you play Flyff Iblis.

VPNs tunnels only your Flyff game on the fastest possible path to our game server. It does not interfere with your internet speed or any other software running on your machine. If you are experiencing any delay or lag while playing, please contact [Support]Feel on our Discord. We will do our very best to improve your connectivity.

Connectivity Table

Region Latency
US, Canada Good
Europe Better
South America Good
Asia, Oceania Best
To claim your 'VPN Support', reach at least level 60 and contact GM on our Discord server.

Minimum System Requirements:

Minimum Specs Recommended Specs
CPU PentiumIII 800MHZ PentiumIII 1.2GHz
Video Card 128MB 256MB
Operating System Windows XP, Vista, 7 Windows XP, Vista, 7

Operating System Compatibility:

  • Apple MAC (non-M2 chip): Compatible (Tutorial)
  • PC Windows XP: Compatible
  • PC Windows Vista: Compatible
  • PC Windows 7 32bit/64bit: Compatible Requirements
  • PC Windows 8 32bit/64bit: Compatible
  • PC Windows 10 32bit/64bit: Compatible
  • PC Windows 11 32bit/64bit: Compatible

FTool, Macro and Autobuffer

Login error, disconnect, high ping fixes

Having runtime errors? Download all prerequisites below:

Getting patcher error code: 12029 result:2 or any other errors?

Anti-Cheat Errors?

Game lagging?

Crazy Mouse Fix

  • Solution 1: Uncheck "Enhance pointer precision" on your Control Panel mouse settings.
  • Solution 2: Run the game on full screen.

  • Low Rates: EXP 5x, PENYA 6x, DROP 3x
  • Flyff's vanilla gameplay.

    "Vanilla" in the computer world means a basic version of something, without any special features or customisations (from its use for no-flavour ice cream).

  • Version History / Roadmap: v15 (Q1 2017), v16 (2018), v17-v18 dungeons (2019-2021).
  • No wipe history even after version upgrades.
  • No history of ghost wipe (creating new cluster, server)
  • Upgrade scrolls and premiums can be bought using Penya and vote Points!
  • Community driven international server.
  • Join Low and High Level Sieges to get Cash Points!
  • Cash Points can be farmed by low, and high level toons. (Hoard'em event)
  • Pet Looter Filter
  • Level Up rewards for newbies.
  • Server utilizes a global network of servers (CDN) to lower in-game ping, by connecting to the nearest data center. A player from Italy hits an Aibatt and the damage numbers show up immediately despite having the game server hosted in Asia. VPNs like ExitLag, Mudfish can still be used but are not essential.
  • 2 PK Channels.
  • Similar-equipment fair Tournaments.
  • High and Low level Tournaments.
  • High and Low level Sieges.
  • Weekly GM Hosted Events.
  • Party Finder
  • Model Changer
  • Multiclient Enabled!
  • In-Game Premium Shop and Vote Shop
  • Based on 2008 English Flyff.
  • Negative awakes enabled
  • One of the most populated long-term servers.