Level Reward
2 Box Icon.png Scroll of Amplification ES(S) 3x
5 Box Icon.png Upcut Stone 3x
10 Box Icon.png Scroll of Amplification ES(S) 3x
12 Box Icon.png Fledgling Newbie Coupon 10x
15 Box Icon.png Special Cloak Gift Bag! 7x
20 Box Icon.png Baby Chicken Pickup Pet
20 Box Icon.png Aero Board
25 Box Icon.png Scroll of Amplification ES(S) 3x
30 Box Icon.png Scroll of Amplification ES(S) 3x
35 Box Icon.png Fledgling Newbie Coupon 20x
35 Box Icon.png FUN Card
40 Box Icon.png Scroll of Amplification ES(S) 3x
45 Box Icon.png Blue Balloons (2 Days)
50 Box Icon.png Upcut Stone 3x
55 Box Icon.png Restat
60 Box Icon.png Raizei's Guardian Chest of Phat Lewt 5x (contents tradable)
70 Box Icon.png Fledgling Newbie Coupon 30x
70 Box Icon.png Azria Ticket (15 Days)
75 Box Icon.png Full Shout (30 Days)
119 Box Icon.png Traseia Ticket (7 days)
125H Box Icon.png St. Patrick's Day Cloak (bound)
127H Box Icon.png Cloak of Bravery (bound)
129H Box Icon.png Dignity Fashion Set (bound)
130H Box Icon.png Re-Skill (bound)
135H Box Icon.png Scroll of Amplification ES(S) 6x
136H Box Icon.png Blessed Cloak of the Light (bound)
139H Box Icon.png Dragon Mask (bound)
All level up rewards are untradable except the contents of the level 60 box.
Job Name Level Playtime
Lethal1439788 hours
Dev1L14313421 hours
Panthea1423302 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
KanaoTsuyuri14314698 hours
WraithBlade14310804 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
Athena1434728 hours
Citrix1438075 hours
PARDO1437540 hours
Sinichi1415904 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
Amari1436004 hours
Zemo1435474 hours
Nakzu14315524 hours
Vera1439852 hours
Perospero1429531 hours
KingRy14211336 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
KaguyaSama14011532 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
Cronus14316662 hours
Cryptic1434498 hours
Sven14315170 hours
Spunky14315907 hours
lHADES14320321 hours
MarBKazama1438201 hours
MarKazama14211274 hours
VinteuS1416537 hours
BotsKiezama1408479 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
Bunny1434955 hours
IreneBelserion1432540 hours
woolfeX14319522 hours
SuicideBomber1431935 hours
zMaya1437197 hours
Job Name Level Playtime
Grahamz14310916 hours

Tournament High V

Schedule for Blades/Knights & Elementors/Psykeepers

 [Toronto] 06:00 AM Saturday, January 7 2023
 [Berlin] 12:00 PM Saturday, January 7 2023
 [Manila] 07:00 PM Saturday, January 7 2023

Schedule for Ringmasters/Billposters & Jesters/Rangers

 [Toronto] 07:00 AM Sunday, January 8 2023
 [Berlin] 01:00 PM Sunday, January 8 2023
 [Manila] 08:00 PM Sunday, January 8 2023

Attention people of Madrigal! The Flyff Iblis 1v1 Dueling Tournament is back!

We call upon the strongest challengers for a competition, come together the greatest warriors of all eight different superior classes. The tournament will establish the supreme warrior in each of these eight crafts. The winners will be rewarded gratefully!

Mechanics & Rules:

- Tournament is 1v1 - The event will be held at the Arena on Channel 1.
- This will be a single-elimination type tournament with 1 round, and best of 3 rounds for each job's finals: Winners will progress to the next round and losers are eliminated.
- Only levels 129h and above can join.
- There will be 1 winner per class/job. *Only 1 winner for Billposters, and Forcemasters because they belong to the same class inferiority which is the Assist class.
- Participants who are offline during the event will be disqualified. Short grace period will be given and toons who are both online will be prioritized first to duel.
- You may only enter one character per class into the tournament. *Example: You cannot join another Billposter that you own if you already applied a Forcemaster or another Billposter.
- No recycling of equipment. You cannot lend your equipments to another person, or friend. Results to permanent ban once proven by the logs.
- Players who are caught joining multiple characters of the same class will be permanently banned.
- Using cosumables that restores HP (Health Points) is not allowed. Fail to comply will result to disqualification.
- No complaining about gear, level, and use of consumable/buff item advantage.
- Only toons of the same class or job can compete against each other. Ex. Knight vs Knight or Knight vs Templar
- Disconnections or crashes will disqualify you unless it is found to be a server issue.
- All Premium Shop items will be allowed except consumables that replenish HP (Health Points).
- No party buffs, lord buffs, link attack, red scroll, couple buffs allowed.
- Use of transformation is disabled inside.
- Hopping on board or broom will disqualify you.
- The only buffs allowed are self-buffs you can cast directly on yourself, and buffing consumables you decide to use.
- You may only enter one character per class into the tournament. Which means you can enter as many entries as you can as long as they are different jobs. ex. *You cannot join another Billposter that you own if you already applied a Forcemaster.
- Ringmasters/Billposters/Seraphs/Forcemasters will be allowed to perform self-heal abilities, such as casting the Heal spell, or using their Prevention skill.
- Scroll of Reduction can be used.
- Siege Crown cloak CAN be used.


Champion: 8 winners of unreleased 'x900 Eviltron' pet and 3000 EPoints
Consolation Prize 2nd Place: 8 winners of 500 EPoints










Why Some Participants Go Straight to Round 2

In single and double elimination brackets, you'll often find that some participants skip the first round.

This cannot be avoided unless the number of participants is a power of two (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ...) — a number that can be repeatedly halved until only 1 person remains.

Imagine you paired everyone in round #1 of a 5 player bracket: 1 v 5, 2 v 4, 3 v ?.

To avoid this, an initial qualifying round will occur to create a balanced bracket. Following this rule, round #1 would have 4 v 5. The winner, or qualifier, would advance to join players 1, 2, and 3 in the next round. The bracket at this point becomes balanced with 4 participants, which is a power of 2.

Schedule : July 24, 2021





Schedule : July 25, 2021



